Programme > General Schedule and instructions for poster and oral presentation

We would like to thank all the participants of the inArt 2022 conference for the enriching scientific exchange and the warm atmosphere.

For those who did not get a chance to join us, the book of abstract can be downloaded here.


The inArt 2022 organising committee


The conference will be held from Tuesday morning to Friday evening.

A welcome cocktail reception is scheduled for Tuesday evening.

A conference dinner will be held on Thursday evening.

Posters will be exposed during all the conference.

Thursday afternoon will be devoted to visits to Parisian heritage institutions and laboratories, organized specifically for conference participants. Different possibilities will be offered, the detailed list will be communicated in eraly June 2022, and the reservation of the different possibilities will be requested in June 2022.


Global conference planning



definitive program for oral communications is available for download here.
The definitive poster list is available for download here.
The distribution of posters in 3 sessions is available here and below.



With 4 keynotes, 47 oral communications and 136 posters this conference promises to be particularly stimulating and promising as a convivial in-person conference.

The maximum poster size expected in A0 format in vertical position (width 81.4 cm; heigth 118.9 cm).

Posters will be exposed during all the conference.

In addition to the official poster session, posters will be visible during lunches and coffee breaks.

3 poster sessions are planned with 3 selections of posters to be presented. Presenters are expected to be in close proximity to their poster for the session in which their poster is scheduled (see poster list for numbers).

Poster session 1 - Tuesday 28th - For poster P1 to P45
Poster session 2 - Wednesday 29th - For poster P46 to P91
Poster session 3 - Friday 1st - For poster P92 to P135

Presenters have a maximum of 20 minutes for their presentation, followed by 5 minutes for questions.

The presentation can be in PowerPoint or PDF format. Before each half-day session, presenters should place their files on the conference desktop computer.


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